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Convert your plain walls in your living room to something magnificent. Add the touch of your artwork in your living room.

Convert your plain walls in your living room to something magnificent. Add the touch of your artwork in your living room.

Your living space can be given new life by adding artwork, which also serves as a platform for your artistic abilities. Simple walls can be turned into one-of-a-kind canvases to create a customised environment that showcases your sense of style and imagination. This article will examine how to draw on plain walls and go over some painting suggestions that can improve the aesthetics of your living room.


Getting Started 

Make sure the walls are properly prepared before you start. To begin, clean them to get rid of any dust or dirt. If necessary, sand down uneven surfaces and patch up any flaws with putty or spackling paste. Consider using a primer to provide a suitable foundation for your artwork once the walls are clean and smooth. A more even finish can be achieved and your paint will adhere better with priming.


Choosing the Right Design 

When selecting a design for your living room, consider the existing decor and the ambiance you wish to create. Here are some painting ideas that can look great on living room walls:


1. Murals with a natural theme: Use landscapes, floral motifs, or tranquil seascapes to bring the beauty of the outdoors inside. These patterns can produce a soothing and revitalising environment.


2. Paintings that are abstract can give your living room a sleek, contemporary feel. Create an attention-grabbing focal point by experimenting with bright colours, geometric shapes, or fluid brushstrokes.

3. Minimalist art: If you like a more understated and modern appearance, this type of art is a great option. An elegant and clean aesthetic can be created using simple lines, monochromatic colour schemes, and negative space.


4. Creating convincing optical illusions to deceive the eye is known as trompe l’oeil. Give a plain wall the appearance of a window, bookshelf, or other architectural feature. The art of trompe l’oeil can give your living room depth and interest.


5. Personalised art: Think about painting a mural that depicts your passions, pastimes, or ancestry. It could be a visual representation of treasured memories, a collage of your own photos, a collection of your favourite quotes, or another type of composition.


Executing Your Vision

It is time to bring your design to life once you have made your decision. Starting with a pencil or piece of chalk, sketch your design onto the wall. You can use this as a guide as you paint. Collect the tools you will need, including the brushes and paints you prefer. Due to their adaptability, speedy drying, and vivid colours, acrylic paints are a popular choice. If possible, cover the surrounding area with drop cloths or painter’s tape to prevent spills.

Following the outline you sketched, start painting. Build up the composition gradually by adding details and additional layers of colour. To ensure the overall balance and harmony of your artwork, take breaks and occasionally step back. Do not be afraid to experiment and make changes as you go because mistakes can be fixed.

Making plain walls into works of art is a rewarding and imaginative endeavour. You can give your home a unique touch by picking the ideal design for your living room and putting your heart and soul into it. Allow your imagination to guide you when choosing murals that are inspired by nature, abstract art, simple patterns, or individualised pieces of art. Accept the process, relish the journey, and observe as your living area is transformed into an artistic haven that reflects your distinct sense of style.
